Welcome to my AS Media Blog, this is a blog which follows the journey of the making and also the planning of my music magazine. This is the coursework part of my AS Media Studies, which I have to make a music magazine for. Here are the main Posts that I have done:

School Magazine- this was a preliminary task
Initial Ideas- this has all of the ideas that I had for my music magazine at the start of this project
Rough Cut- this was my first draft of my music magazine
Rough Cut Feedback- this is the feedback that I got from my target audience on what they through of my first draft of my music magazine
Final cut- this is my final magazine after I have improved on the feedback from my target audience
Evaluation- this is an evaluation of my music magazine and also this project as a whole

Tuesday 14 February 2012

NME Magazine Front Cover Research

This is my fourth front cover research, this is a front cover of a NME magazine. I have one more to do after this. After the front covers I will be doing the five double page spreads.

There is a colour scheme of red, black, white. The red is used for the NME title and also for the name of artist that is on the front cover of this magazine. There is also another part of text that is red which is the word by on the left hand side. The white has been used for the text on the left hand side of the cover. The black text is used on the right hand side of the cover. Something else that is to do with the colour scheme is the top that the artist is wearing in the picture; she has a top with a UK flag on. Which links to the colour scheme as the UK flag has the colours red and white in it.  Another thing about the picture that links to the colour scheme is that the artist Mia has red lipstick on these things that are in the picture help to link the colour scheme together through the font and the picture. I think that it is a good thing to link the colour scheme to colours within the picture by having the clothing in one of the colours of the colour scheme I may do this with my music magazine as I think that it helps to tie the colour scheme and the picture together well.

The font that has been used on this front cover is mainly block text that is in capitals. The font that has been used for the name of the magazine is the same font that has been used for the name of the artist on the cover. I feel that this has been used to help make the name of the artist stand out as much as the name of the magazine. The other font that has been used is a mix of serif font and sans-serif font. The serif font has been used for the black font on the left hand side there is also some more serif font under the word “the state of music today”. The rest of the font on the front cover is sans-serif font.  I may use the two different types of fonts sans-serif and serif font but I may only use one type on the front cover.

This picture is a bit different it is still a mid shot. But the woman in this picture is leaning to the right. This is different as the font is not just on the top sides on the picture. The font is in the top left hand corner and also the bottom right hand corner. So that the font is shaped around the picture as the font is in the parts of the picture where there are not important parts of the picture.  This has been done so that the text fix’s around the picture.  I feel that this looks good on this magazine with this picture as the artist in the picture is leaning. I will not be laying out the font like this but I will be putting the font so that it is shaped around were the picture is.

The layout of this magazine is a little different as the font is not all on both sides of the front cover; it is in the corners of the page. The barcode is in the right part of the front cover it is in the right hand bottom corner. This is where I will be putting the barcode on my magazine. The information that is normally above the barcode is in the top left hand corner above the Name of the magazine. This is the price, issue number and issue date and year. I will not be doing this as I feel that the information looks better above the barcode in the corner.  

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