Welcome to my AS Media Blog, this is a blog which follows the journey of the making and also the planning of my music magazine. This is the coursework part of my AS Media Studies, which I have to make a music magazine for. Here are the main Posts that I have done:

School Magazine- this was a preliminary task
Initial Ideas- this has all of the ideas that I had for my music magazine at the start of this project
Rough Cut- this was my first draft of my music magazine
Rough Cut Feedback- this is the feedback that I got from my target audience on what they through of my first draft of my music magazine
Final cut- this is my final magazine after I have improved on the feedback from my target audience
Evaluation- this is an evaluation of my music magazine and also this project as a whole

Saturday 24 March 2012

Week beginning the 19th

On the Monday I was finishing of my first draft of my music magazine, on the Tuesday I then handed in my first draft. On the Wednesday I had my target audience have a look at my first draft of my music magazine so that I could see what they through of it and also what they liked and did not like. So that I could see what I needed to change on my final magazine. Here is a link to my first draft target audience feedback.
On the Thursday I start to remake my magazine in a way that my target audience would like more. I did this through first starting to think about the colour theme that I would use, I also through about how I would use for my photo and so on with all of the things that I wanted to change about my music magazine. On Friday I then used continued remaking my final draft of my music magazine.

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