Welcome to my AS Media Blog, this is a blog which follows the journey of the making and also the planning of my music magazine. This is the coursework part of my AS Media Studies, which I have to make a music magazine for. Here are the main Posts that I have done:

School Magazine- this was a preliminary task
Initial Ideas- this has all of the ideas that I had for my music magazine at the start of this project
Rough Cut- this was my first draft of my music magazine
Rough Cut Feedback- this is the feedback that I got from my target audience on what they through of my first draft of my music magazine
Final cut- this is my final magazine after I have improved on the feedback from my target audience
Evaluation- this is an evaluation of my music magazine and also this project as a whole

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Front Cover Picture choice

These are the three pictures that I wanted to choose from to have for my picture on my front cover. I asked my target audience that I used for my target audience research. On which picture I should use for my front cover. As they would be the ones how would be reading and buying the type of magazine that I am making so there opinions are important. The picture that will be used for my front cover for my first draft is the first picture that is shown here. The other two picture where the  other two that I was thinking about using. I did not choice to use the bottom picture as my target audience said that they did not feel that this picture was good for a front cover. And I did not use the middle picture as they said the background was to white. So I choice to use the first picture on my front cover. I may change the picture that I have for my front cover may change when I am making my final draft of my music magazine. If there is a better picture that I could use for my front cover when evaluating my first draft. I did have other picture that I could have used for my front cover but these three where the ones that I wanted to choose from to use. As I feel that these ones are the best ones that I could use.

This first picture is the picture that i will be using on my first draft front cover:

This picture is the same picture but edited so that it had a white background, but i will not be using the edited version of this picture, i will be using the one above which is the one that i did not edit.

I will not be using this one, this one has not been edited and this is the original image.

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