Welcome to my AS Media Blog, this is a blog which follows the journey of the making and also the planning of my music magazine. This is the coursework part of my AS Media Studies, which I have to make a music magazine for. Here are the main Posts that I have done:

School Magazine- this was a preliminary task
Initial Ideas- this has all of the ideas that I had for my music magazine at the start of this project
Rough Cut- this was my first draft of my music magazine
Rough Cut Feedback- this is the feedback that I got from my target audience on what they through of my first draft of my music magazine
Final cut- this is my final magazine after I have improved on the feedback from my target audience
Evaluation- this is an evaluation of my music magazine and also this project as a whole

Monday 5 March 2012

Audience Research

This is my audience research; I did this to see what the target audience of my magazine thought of my ideas for my music magazine. I asked three different people all of these were in my target audience for my music magazine so here are the questions that I asked my target audience.

  1. Would you pay £4.30 for a music magazine? If yes what would make you pay this?
Person 1: I would pay this much for a music magazine, the reason that I would pay this would be if from the front cover I could see that there were a good amount of articles and interviews from artists and bands that I like or would like to read about. Then I would pay this much if I could see that the magazine was worth buying.

Person 2: I think that this is a good price for a monthly magazine and I would pay for it. If there was a good amount of content in the magazine then I would buy it, but if the magazine did not have a good amount of interviews, news and stories then I would not be paying this much for a monthly magazine. If this was the cost of a weekly magazine then I would not pay this for it as I would not feel that it would be worth it as there would not be enough content.

Person 3: I think that it would be a bit better if the cost of the magazine was £4.00 instead of £4.30. As I feel that this would be a better amount to pay for a magazine. I would pay £4.30 if there was a good amount of stories and interviews, but if there was not much in the magazine then I would not pay this much.

  1. What makes you want to buy a music magazine?
Person 1: If the cover catches my eye or if there is somebody in the magazine or on the cover of the magazine that I would like to read more about.

Person 2: A good amount of interviews and stories, so that there is a good amount of content in the magazine. As if there is not a good amount then there is no need to buy the magazine as there will not be a good amount to read.

Person 3: If there is a good amount of music news and articles in the magazine then I would buy the music magazine. I like to see a good range of stories and interviews on the front cover as this will them make me more likely to look at the magazine.

  1. Which parts of music magazines do you prefer? The features, Interviews, Music news or other?
Person 1: The part of the magazine that I most like is the interviews as you get to read about a certain artist or band and find out more about them. I also like the music news as it shows you what is happen and going on in the music world.

Person 2: The part that I most like is the features and the interviews. As I like to find out about new and well-known artists and bands. I like to mainly read the articles that are shown on the front cover.

Person 3: I mainly like the features that are on the contents page and also the things that are on the front cover of the magazine. As they are the things that normally make me want to buy and read the music magazine.

4. What attracts you to a music magazine front cover first? The images, cover lines or something else?

Person 1: I will pick up a music magazine to have a look at if there is an interesting story on the front cover or if there is a band or artist that I like on the front cover. Another thing that I like is if there are posters in the magazine of bands and artists that I like.

Person 2: Cover lines attract me to magazines if the cover lines are interesting. Another thing that I like on the front cover of the magazine is the image as this is one of the first things that I see when looking at music magazines. Something else that I like on the front cover that is one of the main things that I spot on the front cover is the title of the magazine, as it will depend on the type of magazine it is on whether I would read it.

Person 3:  Normally the picture of the artist or the band as this is the most eye-catching thing that I see first. As the picture fills the whole of the front cover. The stories or feature that are normally on the front 
cover of the music magazine, as these are on the front cover and are normally in big bold lettering.

  1. How often would you want the magazine to be released? Weekly or monthly?
Person 1: I like to buy magazines monthly as then you get more in the magazine as it is not coming out as often, as weekly magazine normally don’t have as much in them. I also feel that it is better value for money when they are monthly as you do not have to pay as much every week as you are only getting it every month.

Person 2: Monthly as I think that there is more in a monthly magazine and also I feel that I would not want to get a new music magazine each week. Monthly would be better.

Person 3: Weekly if it had a lot of content and it was worth it, but I mainly like to read and buy music magazines that are monthly as then the magazine has a lot more to read and also it is better than having to buy it every week as this can get really expensive. But if you buy it monthly you only have to buy it twelve times a year.

From this research I have found that £4.30 would be a good price to use for my music magazine so I will be making my magazine cost this much. This is all an average price for a music magazine as well.  Another thing that I found was that I need to have good articles shown on my front cover as this is one of the things that makes people buy the magazine. Also my front cover needs to stand out and by eye-catching as if not then people will not see it or want to buy it. I also need to make sure that I have good features as these the features are normally the things that people like the read the most. Need to have good names for the articles on the double page spread, as this helps to make the article more interesting. I also need to have good pictures on my front cover and double page spread as these take up a whole page each. I will also be making my music magazine a monthly magazine as most people do not like weekly magazines. 

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