Welcome to my AS Media Blog, this is a blog which follows the journey of the making and also the planning of my music magazine. This is the coursework part of my AS Media Studies, which I have to make a music magazine for. Here are the main Posts that I have done:

School Magazine- this was a preliminary task
Initial Ideas- this has all of the ideas that I had for my music magazine at the start of this project
Rough Cut- this was my first draft of my music magazine
Rough Cut Feedback- this is the feedback that I got from my target audience on what they through of my first draft of my music magazine
Final cut- this is my final magazine after I have improved on the feedback from my target audience
Evaluation- this is an evaluation of my music magazine and also this project as a whole

Thursday 22 March 2012

New Colour Scheme

This one of the colour scheme's that I am thinking about using for my colour scheme for my magazine as I feel that these colours go well together and also the orange will really stand out. I am changing my colour scheme for my magazine as I was told by my target audience that the colour scheme that i had was to cute. So here is the first colour scheme that I am thinking about using:

This is the second colour scheme that i'm thinking about using I feel that this colour scheme is a bit different with the use of the purple. So her is the second colour scheme:

This is the last colour scheme that i'm thinking about using for my magazine. I really think that this green stands out with it being so bright against the black and the white. Here is the last colour scheme:

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